Home Business News Business Offers Absonic – Gallmet Offers

Absonic – Gallmet Offers

Absonic – Gallmet Offers

Two English and Hungarian micro-companies with the same ownership are looking for business partners to market their innovative products and to market and sell in the following primary markets: United States, European Union, Africa, Middle East.

Negotiations of any form of cooperation: co-owner, new and joint venture, financial investor, professional investor, risk capital solutions, capital investor, tender partner, innovation source partner, R&D partner, other solutions.

Digital Education Development System

PC-based voice recording and processing system: ABSONIC v2.0 – Speech Recognition

The management of the company wrote: “Our company has been working in the field of digital voice recording for more than a decade. Our system is built of original developed software and hardware components. Keeping pace with the requirements of changing market demands and technical challenges we continually develop and upgrade our system.

Our newest upgrade: Versatile speech processing with more than 100 languages Speech Recognition

We offer digital voice recording solutions in a wide scale from two-wire telephone line and microphone sources up to hundreds of channels of analogue and digital lines, VoIP as well as Two-way radio sets’ audio signals. Our voice processing system runs on computers with Windows operating systems, and we offer various hardware elements according to signal sources to be recorded, thereby cost effective systems set up can be achieved.

By means of the hardware we manufacture and deliver the conversations through mobile phones can be recorded both in mobile or hard-line links. We offer solutions for stationary installed, head-set, wireless and software GSM voice recording.

In the future the NICOpro Ltd. basically wishes to deal with manufacturing and warranty service providing operations. That is why we look for exclusive or more partner companies that can take on the full scale trade, marketing and installation, set-up activities for the product family. In support to marketing, trade and installation activities we make available our more than ten years of experiences, our market and market research studies as well as our commercial marketing materials. In addition to manufacturing we are ready to take part in site visits and assessments that need more technical experiences, preparations of competitive proposals, and provide system support for reasonable costs.
We undertake limited system upgrades based on particularly executed relevant agreements.

For more information, take a look at the Absonic webpage.







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